My Story
Hi I'm Jo,
Ever since I could walk, talk and remember, there have always been horses; my dream was to one day own one and this came true at the age of 14.
From here the equestrian world carved my path in life, horses have been my passion, my love and my career.
I started teaching in a riding school where I gained my BHS exams to stage 3. I then went freelance and furthered my qualifications and gained my BHSAI.
My biggest achievement within the span of my riding career so far is Bella, who has been with me for the past 16 years. Our journey led me to training and competing around the country, being selected to represent England at the Home International and qualifying for numerous regionals and pet plans from prelim to medium level. I trained her up to Prix St George (PSG) but sadly, after that, she had an injury to which she never came back from. She is now happily retired.
I have been a fully qualified MSFC (master saddle fitting consultant) since 2014, I completed my training in the UK, France and The Netherlands.